Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I made that word up, but I sort of have a fear of leap year.

Last leap year my mission call was changed from Serbia to Canada. I felt like part of my life was being torn from me. In the end though, I loved Canada so much and the change was for the better.

But still a part of me spent the day thinking that I would get a phone call or something that would make it so that I became a economics major or a supporter of Ron Paul (also a phobia of mine: becoming an economics major, or taking any other economics class).

So far the day has been safe though, and lucky for me, I do not have to worry about this day again until 2016. Which is after the end of the world, so I am good.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

291 words of me

Just Real Quick, A biographical sketch of myself... enjoy!

            It is nighttime during the winter. The cold air is still and quiet. Streetlights cast a dim glow and the air seems almost magical. I am walking home. On the path in front of me I see rock and start to kick it ahead of me, catch up to it, and kick it again. It helps me organize my thoughts as I think about the day and what needs to happen tomorrow. As I walk and kick, walk and kick, walk and kick, I get the feeling, “You should be a doctor.” Those simple words sink into my heart. I should be a doctor. I then remembered travelling to the hospital after my car wreck and the doctor who helped me recover. I think of the difference that I could make and the idea becomes a part of me. I should be a doctor. I begin making a plan. The next day I write home and tell my parents and brother and sister that I have decided to be a doctor. They offer me encouragement. I am nervous. Can I do everything I need to? Will I be a good doctor? Can I survive the long years of school? Where will I get the money to pay for my education? These questions come and go. I do not let them define me. Instead I am thrilled by the thought of my future. I plan and prepare. I pray that I will not let myself down. I am nervous, excited, and unsure about the future. I feel God’s hand of support and comfort. Everything will work out. As school begins my classes seem designed for me. I enjoy them and work hard. I hope to be a doctor. I feel at peace.  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Infiny beyon

My nephew is so much fun.

This weekend I stayed at my brother's house and played more than I have in a long long time. It was awesome to have a just real quick race around the house. Or to play blast off, be scared awake, and to watch curious george to pass the time by.

Thanks for loving flying, pretending to be Buzz lightyear, and having light switch battles.

It made for a great weekend.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Any two points connected

Just real quick, this is a blog about the paradox of a line for the testing center.

Tonight I went to take a test and the line for the testing center went out the door. Meaning to the outside, cold, dark. It was horrible. People should not have to wait in lines to take tests.
Picture from

I just think it is wrong to wait for something that I don't even want to do anyway.

Lines should only be allowed for amusement park rides and general conference.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tibetan Monks

I started a new workout regime this last week called the Tibetan Monk Rites.

My muscles are surprisingly sore and what with getting home really late after the Jazz game last night, I'm going to fall asleep I can feel it.

Just like this guy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Awesome Family Value Packs

I was inspired by Hot Pockets today. And just real quick let me show you why.